
About Me

Hi! My name is Carter Lavold and I am currently a junior at Brea Olinda Highschool for th 2022-23 school year. Some things about me are, I like to hike with my dad, I am on a national level club swim team and travel for competetions, I am a 2 year varsity swimmer, and I enjoy any projects that are thrown my way by my GITA teacher Mr. Salesky

In Gita 3, my goal is learn how to code in javascript on p5.js to create games, animations, and any other challenges my teacher, Mr. Salesky, throws my way. I want to use the new coding skillsb that I learn in my third year in this program to get into college and one day into a computer science job.

About Gita 3

Gita 3 is year 3 of taking Gita. Gita 3 focuses on advanced web programming, which allows students to creat animations in websites.

About Gita

Gita is a multiyear course that any student currently enrolled at Brea Olinda Highschool can apply for. Gita is a college level course with Gita 2 and Gita 4 being an AP course.